About our work in the Sahel and North Africa:
The work of the CPA Community in the Sahel and North Africa focuses on Tunisia and Libya in the North Africa region, and in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger regarding the Sahel.
The activities in the Sahel and North Africa under the implementation of the Community Protection Approach and its components, such as the Individual Protection Approach (IPA) have the goal of putting the focus directly on the communities and the individuals.
In this way, we approach Internally Displaced Persons and refugees, being these groups very vulnerable in some of the countries in this region, due to the existence of both protracted and emerging crises.
In Tunisia, current efforts focus on socio-economic and rural development, human rights and gender equality and strengthening civil society.
In Libya, the humanitarian response addresses issues related to the protracted crisis in the country, mostly concerning water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), improvement of health services and protection of vulnerable groups.
The Sahel and North Africa’s latest:
In the current global debate to rethink the ways the international community is addressing needs and risks of affected population, identifying appropriate processes of capacity…