Our work in Latin America and the Caribbean:
In Nicaragua, the Individual Protection Approach (IPA) is implemented within the project “¡PARA! Niñas y Niños libres de violencia”, whose objective is to strengthen the protection and care of children and adolescents who are survivors or at risk of sexual violence in all its manifestations. The project is carried out by WeWorld and its local partner organizations, in Puerto Cabezas, Prinzapolka and Waslala Municipalities.
Also in Nicaragua, the Community Protection Approach (CPA) is implemented within the project “WINAMBA! Construyendo comunidades más resilientes para el bienestar integral de los territorios indígenas de TAWIRA, PRINZU AUHYA UN Y WANGKI TWI TASBA RAYA, para su desarrollo con identidad ante el cambio climático” with the aim of strengthening the capacity of indigenous communities in the preparation, response and disaster risk reduction as well as strengthening the monitoring and protection of the Mother Earth, natural assets and its population against the risks of environmental deterioration and climate vulnerability.
In Peru and Ecuador, the Community Protection Approach and the Individual Protection Approach are implemented within the project “Del desplazamiento a la integración: construcción de comunidades productivas y protectoras/Lives in Dignity”, with the aim of improving the economic and livelihoods opportunities for the most vulnerable people and communities affected by displacement, increasing their access to basic services, improving their security and promoting their integration.
In Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia the Community Protection Approach is implemented within the project “Alianza de Oro: Andean experience in defense of human rights against mining activity”, coordinated by WeWorld and implemented by the Documentation and Information Centre in Bolivia (CEDIB), COMUNIDEC Development Foundation and the Centre for Andean Regional Studies “Bartolomé de las Casas” (CBC). The aim of the project is to empower community representatives and human and environment rights advocates to demand respect for the individual and collective rights of the communities affected by mining activities and advocate to make sub-national governments active players in the governance of the mining sector in their territory.
Latin America and the Caribbean by country:
Latin America and the Caribbean’s latest:
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