Project Tu.R.B.O-Nexus External Evaluation

There can never be a purely Nexus-driven project. However, understanding the merits of the Tu.R.B.O. โ€” Tubas Rural Business Opportunities and Social Innovation โ€” project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), through a Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus lenses contributes to further consideration on how to apply the Nexus in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). An external evaluation looked at WeWorld Nexus oPt Toolkit and Nexus Principles to assess the effects of the project under the HDP Nexus framework.

The Tu.R.B.O project emerged from a uniquely complex environment in Area C of the West Bank that demanded a renewed, operational approach by international actors. It stemmed from humanitarian response incorporating the socio-economic component. The Nexus collaboration utilized previous analysis of the CPA programming with 19 communities and their developed Protection Response Plans (PRPs) which were further integrated into the five-year development plan of Tubas Governorate. The analysis and its outcomes were used for joined-up programming by many international and local stakeholders including CBOs, NGOs, INGOs, donors, and a coordinating UN agency.

Joint Analysis: multi-sectoral data geared to prevent forcible transfers. The analysis informs 5 INGOs programming, humanitarian funding of 11 EU Member States, 19 communities, the Governorate of Tubas and supports OCHA North office. Data covers the period 2015-2021.

Strengthen national and local capacities / Place people at the center: a Territorial Development Action Plan of Tubas Governorate 2020-2025, builds upon the Protection Response Plans used by 19 communities.

Do not harm and conflict sensitivity / Evidence-based: protection risk analysis is at the core providing a backstopping that abides with human rights, International Humanitarian Law.

Joined-up Programming: beyond Tu.R.B.O. activities, the programming guided the actions of 12 CBOs, 1 Governorate Office, 4 Palestinian Ministries, 5 INGOs, 1 UN Agency program and at least 3 national NGOs. These numbers refer only to the project span.

Acknowledging that the project solely focused on elements of the Nexus is counterintuitive, nonetheless, Tu.R.B.O. has shown how a programmatic approach with objectives grounded in the Nexus core commitments, can contribute to advance localization and cater existing funding and programmatic mechanisms of different actors under a single framework of action.

You can read more about the project external evaluation in this factsheet:
