About our work in the Middle East:

With the Community Protection Approach (CPA) acting as the backbone of WeWorldโ€™s methodology of intervention in Palestine, and by participating as a key actor in the West Bank Protection Consortium (WBPC), WeWorld works in the West Bank within the framework of Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid and Development. More specifically, it engages in a multisectoral approach in the area of Integrated Protection, WASH, Livelihoods, Gender, Education, and Rural Development, besides being an active stakeholder in the process of operationalizing the Nexus Approach.

The main focus of WeWorldโ€™s action is to empower communities among the vulnerable Palestinian population and work in close collaboration with the beneficiaries.

As of today, seven projects are being implemented in different areas of the West Bank (including Area C) in the area of Humanitarian Aid and Development, designed with the aim of prioritizing several objectives of contributing to the protection of vulnerable populations at risk of forcible transfer, promoting gender equality, increasing access to water, as well as promoting local economic development.

Apart from the work taking place in the West Bank, several of our projects are also focused on Gaza. Currently, these projects approach different issues of concern for the communities in the region.

Our projects work on building a more resilient economy and environment, contributing to increased access to basic quality health services, contributing to increased access to basic quality health services, as well as other water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) issues.

The Middle East’s latest:

NGO Voice Network – Voice out loud Newsletter on CPA

Nov 16, 20191 min read

A short contribution to “Voice out Loud”, the newsletter of NGO Voice. The article synthesizes We World-GVC integrated protection approach in Palestine and how it…